Maths Lessons

Daily Five and Brain Extensions in Miss O'Malley's Maths Workshops
During the holidays I was fortunate enough to attend a Maths Symposium course in Dunedin, where I gained a lot of new and fresh ideas for our maths programme. I have designed a range of activities that create critical and mathematical thinking. Here a few snapshots of us working hard:



Today we started our measurement unit and we started by measuring various things around our school and classroom. Here are a few pictures of us working hard...

ThinkLab - Problem Solving

 On Friday mornings in Year 5 we have been doing some problem solving questions using Thinklab. 

Thinklab is a reading kit and a thinking kit that includes 125 creative and logical problem-solving activities.

We love Friday's :)

Some of us in Year 5 like to work independently

Some of us like to work with a partner to bounce ideas off each other.

Some of us like to work as group and work outside.

Whereas some of us like to work on the floor

Year 5 - Workshop 1 - 3 & 4

Similar to workshop 2&3's activity last week; the year 5 children mixed together within workshops to teach the strategies that they have been learning. We have found this to be really engaging as children are learning off each other and recording it in a fun video that they then can post on the blog. Here is one video that the children have posted and it is about "Decimal Place Value".

Enjoy :-) 

Workshop 2&3

With Miss O'Malley

This week in workshops 3 & 4 we got into small groups and explored the different strategies that we have been learning in Addition and Subtraction. We mixed into smaller groups so that we could teach our strategies to other workshops and show them what we know. We became teachers for the day! Once we had shown our strategies and how to use them for various questions, we then recorded our teachings into a video, using our iPad's. Once we had this done, we decided that it would then be fun to create quizzes for other groups to answer - we wrote down 10 questions, swapped with another group. Our aim was to answer as many questions possible using the strategies we know/have learnt from other children in just 10 minutes. We then gave our quiz back to the right group so that they could check our answers. 

Click the picture to watch our video on 'Rounding and Compensating'.

Rounding and Compensating Video Link

Workshop 3&4 working hard together

Addition and Subtraction 
In Senior Hub 1 we have been learning new strategies for Addition and Subtraction. 
We find that BBC Bitesize is a great extension for the children's learning.
Check out the link to find out more:

Statistics Year 5

This week we have finished off our statistical investigation. We each posed a question that we could ask other hubs within our school. We collected data into a frequency/tally chart. We then put the information into various graphs, including – Bar Graphs, Dot Plots and Pictographs. 

Here is some of our work…
Bar Graph

Tally Chart

Bar Graph

Dot Plot and Bar Graph

We are now moving into Numeracy Groups for Addition and Subtraction.

Our Numeracy Wall in Year 5 - Levels we are aiming for and strategies we could use.

Strategies we should be using.

 Year 4 Addition Strategy 1- Adding using doubles 

Year 4 Addition Strategy 2- Adding numbers that are close to ten with tidy numbers

Year 4 Addition Strategy 3- Using a number line

Year 5 Addition Strategy 1- Using Tidy Numbers

Year 5 Subtraction Strategy 1- Using a number line

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