
Cross Country

Footsteps Dance Crew

Come in and check out our Photo Booth in Y5

Life Education - Learning with Harold

This week for Year 5 we had our first session with Richard and Harold and we have been learning about friendship - what makes a good friend?

Dance Y5

How awesome are our talents in Year 5! Great to see the girls so confident to be able to share their impressive dance skills to Year 5&4.

Video link to be shared soon...

Rippa Rugby Year 5

2016 Swimming Sports Term 1 

We had a very successful time at swimming sports this week! Congratulations to all the children who participated on Wednesday. 
A big thank you to all our parent helpers on the day!


Annalise is showing Adriana how to attach a picture to her ANZAC poem

They have told me they can talk and work at the same time!!!

Henry is helping Cody with his Diamante poem.

Morgan is showing Liam and Troy how to attach and  email their ANZAC poems to Mrs Dooley