Welcome to the friends and families of the 2016 Year Five Class.
I am so excited about what we have installed for this year! We have had
a busy week getting to know each other and getting back into school routine. It
has been great meeting some of the parents and I hope I can meet the rest of
you soon. For me, this is my first year working in a New Zealand school as a
class teacher. For the past 2 years I have been teaching overseas in London.
I will be sending out weekly emails to help you know what is going on at
school and to pass on any reminders or notices that are needed. These will
usually be sent on a Friday evening by 5, so please make sure you regularly
check your emails.
We have a busy start to the term with an action filled first few weeks.
Key Dates: Week 1 & 2
- Swimming
starts Friday 5th February
- Monday
8th is Waitangi day - Public Holiday
- Swimming
Week 2 - Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th, Thursday 11th and Friday 12th
The children’s learning can continue at home and these conversations are
very valuable to their learning.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or come and see me at
any time.
Many Thanks,