Sunday, 29 June 2014

Musical Time!

Hi everyone. The children will be very busy preparing for the school musical this week and they will be performing on Thursday at 1pm and again at 6pm. I hope all of you will be there to support the children and the school.

Costume Requirements: Black trousers, shoes and long sleeve black top. If any one has any small glow sticks that you could donate, that would be appreciated.



Tuesday, 24 June 2014

World Cup Reading

We'll continue with our reading theme of the World Cup this week. Some additional vocabulary to learn is controversial, opposition, substitute, allowance, equaliser. 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Writing- The Tiny Crusader

This Weeks Reading

This week we will be reading about the 2014 Football World Cup. We'll look at related vocabulary and we'll be doing lots of close reading on football articles. Some key vocabulary to learn this week is... accidentally, referee, elimination, penalty, international, qualifying, competing- Learn what these words mean and learn to spell them.